New carbide grades for system DAH8
Paul Horn GmbH is expanding the range of carbide grades for the DAH milling system to enable its use for machining a wider range of materials. The new grades SC6A and IG6B complement the tool system for high feed milling and will be shown for the first time at AMB 2022 in Stuttgart in Hall 1, Stand 1J10. The expansion gives customers the opportunity to choose grades best adapted to their machining applications.
The SC6A grade is suitable for machining the ISO M material group, as well as ISO S materials as a secondary application. Horn has developed the IG6B grade for machining the ISO P group, while it is also suitable as a multi-purpose grade for other material groups.
With the DAH82 and DAH84 systems, Horn will be showing a new generation of tools for high feed milling. The eight usable cutting edges of the precision-sintered insert offer a competitive price per cutting edge and hence economical and efficient machining. The positive cutting edge geometry ensures a soft and quiet cut as well as good chip flow despite the negative mounting position. Horn offers the inserts in the substrates SA4B, SC6A and IG6B, which are suitable for universal use machining various materials. The large radius of the main cutting edge of the insert produces a soft cut, ensures an even distribution of cutting forces and thus ensures long tool life. The maximum cutting depth is ap = 1.0 mm (DAH82) and ap = 1.5 mm (DAH84).
The DAH82 variant is available as an end mill and as a screw-in milling cutter in the following diameters: 20 mm (z = 2), 25 mm (z = 3), 32 mm (z = 4), 35 mm (z = 4) and 40 mm (z = 5), where z denotes the number of inserts. As an arbour milling cutter it is available in diameters of 40 mm (z = 5), 42 mm (z = 5) as well as 50 mm (z = 6). For diameters in excess of 50 mm, the larger DAH84 system is used. The variants are available only as arbour milling cutters in the following diameters: 50 mm (z = 4), 52 mm (z = 4), 63 mm (z = 5), 66 mm (z = 5), 80 mm (z = 6), 85 mm (z = 6), 100 mm (z = 7) and 125 mm (z = 8). All tool bodies receive a special surface treatment of high strength and hardness, imparting long-term protection against abrasive wear from chips.