New chip breaking geometry for system Mini 108
Paul Horn GmbH has developed a new chip breaking geometry especially for the 108 Mini tool system. The I geometry is primarily intended for use when materials with poor chip formation properties are being machined. The geometry is suitable for copy turning, longitudinal turning and facing. Particularly if infeed rates are small when machining steel and stainless steel, the tool system demonstrates efficient chip control. This leads to higher process stability and also to longer tool life. Horn has also developed the new I geometry to improve machining of lead-free materials. Due to poor chip formation, these materials are likely to pose even greater challenges for the user in the future. For small infeed depths, Horn also offers the inserts with small corner radii from 0.05 mm (0.002"). Corner radii from 0.05 mm (0.002") to 0.2 mm (0.008") are available from stock as standard.
The screw-mounted inserts of the Mini system are among Horn's core products. The tool system is mainly suitable for turning applications. The precision tools have proven themselves especially suitable for boring and internal grooving. Due to the low-vibration carbide tool carriers, the inserts produce good surface finish even with long overhangs and ensure high process reliability. The extensive portfolio of the Mini system offers inserts in various sizes for different inside diameters, geometries and substrates as well as with CBN or diamond edge coating.